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What is Wisdom?

Ducks & Pigeons by water Maarin Civic Center
When you can think about anything you want, any time you want, what do you choose to think about? Not a common luxury, ...
Observations about our 3 days in Vegas ...
Swimming in a sea of fear... faith provides the oxygen to get you under the surface...long enough to tap into ultimate breath so ...
"The ego is the fear of being obliterated by existence...packaged." ...
This is Errol Strider's new blog he's making a blog its a blog and its bloggy ...
This piece is my poetic exploration of Jesus–how the world often regards him, what he reveals and how he sees us-with an ironic ...
What do do when, "So you thought you had it all figured out." shows up in your, no matter how much you ...
What is the story we're telling ourelves that controls our lives? The story that you're living that begins with the premise: "we're separate...therefore, ...
Idols, addictions, compusivities, obsessions--all variations on the same theme--looking for something in the finite to give you what is only available in the ...
Embark on a spiritual journey and meet your companions. These include the ever-present "Yeah, but..."!! When you strive for self-realization, expect "Yeah, but..." ...
Four lips kissing
Often I stop to remind myself that at any moment there are billions of things going on with people all over the planet ...
THE LAUGHING HEART, A Vision for Radical Change PURPOSE, PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES, Part I"A hands on approach to transformation" From Bill Bradley and ...
Errol red shirt
ABBA by Errol Strider I kissed my father and held his hand; that should tell you something about me and my theology. For ...
Errol in Bowler hat. Caption: "Sometimes I write a poem and sometimes i Be One."
I've been writing poetry since I was in 7th grade…too embarrassing to share that poem, but a definite step on the way. My ...
three littke kids eating ice cream cones with blissful look on their faced looking up eyes closed
Just as the ordinary becomes extraordinary when captured by the artist's eye, so, too, each moment becomes extraordinary when we enter into the ...
In this ongoing series focused on fun and effective anxiety reduction methods, I'd like to introduce you to one of my alter egos, ...
Rochelle looking out
One Woman’s View of the Elephant Beauty Beauty surrounds me demanding my attention. My physical body comes to a halt and I feel ...
How do you become the Light of the World? Simple…Fuse. After all, what is light? It is the process of fusion. Two "particles" ...
"When you make the person of God your significant other, every other person you meet becomes significant." ES I live in Buddhist Country…there ...
Text message from God: "You can't afford the luxury of self-reliance any more." Certain beliefs that you have to at least question…if not ...
BEHIND THE SEEMSBEWARE THE USEFULNESS OF GENERALIZATIONS.Accessorize, okay…generalize…watch out!When you make a generalization, you're not actually describing anything that's really going on, just ...
BEHIND THE SEEMS BE WARY OF THE USEFULNESS OF GENERALIZATIONS. Accessorize, yes, generalize…watch out! When you make a generalization, you're not actually describing ...
Rochelle Coy look
Bliss, Swimming Naked in a Body of Water: One Woman’s View of the Elephant The first memory I have of bliss--swimming naked in ...
Bumping into Not Me By Errol Strider (pretending to be me) Easing into this moment… as I attempt to wend my way around ...
Escaping from the Want/Should jail cell of your own making… your "Get Out of Jail Free Card, Part I Many of us spend ...
In Proverbs 17:22 of the Bible, it says "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (NIV) ...
I recently met a fellow named, Mitchell, who is really into coincidences. As a matter of fact, he's so into coincidences that he's ...
Turkey Deer Lupin Lawn
I think of this poem, "Connectedness" as my calling card to humanity. The audio version of "Connectedness is a richly textured sound experience, ...
Meet Barney, Grandpa Errol's alter-ego, offering straightforward advice on conquering anxiety with a no-nonsense approach. In the Bible, in Philippians 4:6-7, we're told ...
Be honest now. Are you hiding from love? How would you know? Why would you do that? What is so threatening about love? ...
DOES SOMETHING NEED TO CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE?WELL, GUESS WHAT? CHANGE MEANS CHANGING HABITS.Okay, you want to change? Something needs to change? Someone? ...
"There was a Man once." By Errol StriderThere was a man once, truly that. Who is known for the cross that he bore? ...
THERE WAS A MAN ONCE By Errol Strider     There was a man once, truly that. Who is known for the cross ...
The US Journal Training and Institute for Integral Development will feature Rochelle & Errol Strider as Keynote speakers at the 8th Las Vegas ...
"Resistance is what you add to pain to make it last longer and hurt more." Comments??? ...
Transcript of The Creator, is directly below the video: 😉 I jumped aside a moment today, and found to my surprise a glittering ...
Bass Lake ocean thru trees
Feelings...The Language of Relationship by Errol Strider I speak fear so you’ll know I need assurance. I speak fondness so you’ll know you ...
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Errol Strider Date: Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 9:36 AM Subject: Fwd: the meeting agenda attachedTo: robfranco@comcast.netThis event is ...
This video is part of my series on Anxiety Innertainment--fun, playful and effective ways to reduce anxiety. In this video Grandpa Errol shows ...
If you look really closely at the picture, you might just see yourself.  Now look a little further to the right, then down ...
How the Laughing Heart provides the tools, methods and context for advancing the six memes in the first tier toward the second Integral ...
What is the “consumate human being?” A Mensch! WE invite you to go on the journey of “mensch-hood” in this poem Errol wrote (see ...
I'D LIKE THE "SURRENDER/TRUST COMBO, Please" Not easy words, eh? Trust…hmmm…trust what, trust whom…why? When? See? …tough words…lots to consider…and why even consider ...
Errol Strider
If it weren't for humor, we' be in some serious shit here at The Laughing Heart. You know, if it weren't for humor ...
Many people have been drawn to the Power of Now. Others are leading the evolutionary thinking with Integral Perspectives.  Many who have been ...
"Hmm...what do I feel like doing today?" wonders God. Let me guess. God is in the mood for…love--to experience life in his/her universe ...
"Hmm...what am I in the mood for today?" wonders God. Let me guess. God is in the mood for love--to experience life in ...
"When you make the person of God your significant other, every other person you meet becomes…… significant." ESI live in Buddhist Country…there are ...
Let's face it, it's nice to share a meal with someone you can relate to. When I want heartfelt comfort and soul nourishment…it ...
Friend, Are you looking for a good job?  Really, a good job-- a way to work that produces a lot of good? And ...
Are you by any chance worried about money in “this economy?” I thought so. Take a moment to relax and see the lighter ...
I'm offering an online Zoom ongoing gathering for people who are willing to find the humor in their depression, anxiety or general funkiness ...
Ras big smile
One Woman’s View of the Elephant Laughter What is highly contagious all over the world and not to be feared as a pandemic? ...
I found this remarkable letter in my files. I don't know where it came from or how it got there. And yet, it's ...
What does it take to make it safe for a relationship to be safe-enough, so that we can open up and be intimate ...
LOOKING AT LIFE THROUGH ROSE COLORED GLASSES---MAKING A CASE FOR LIVING LIFE IN A BUBBLE.or…How to escape from the time/space continuum and turn ...
Hey Partner...there's a lot of stuff going on out there and in here demanding my interest and about you? Stuff that feels ...
Text message from God: "When you step into the Do-duality, don't get it all over yourself.."I saw Michael Moore's movie, "Capitalism, a Love ...
In navigating the divine workplace, the comparison of an employer to God becomes intrinsic; In the exploration of spirituality, parallels often arise ...
Need a Poetic Perspective? I Needby Errol StriderI need to shed my longing in the spring;And bare my heart in the forlorn mist ...
As we approach the dawn of 2011 for a new year new you, "The Laughing Heart" is gearing up to introduce some exciting ...
We've all heard the expression, changes starts with us as individuals. In spite of the compelling call of this admonition, we often are ...
Pre-Flight Instructions By Errol StriderGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking I'd like to welcome you aboard flight one-for-all en ...
In this ongoing series dedicated to discovering enjoyable and impactful techniques for managing anxiety, we delve into the wisdom of one of my ...
One of Grandpa Errol's characters, Rabbi Greenberg, gives helpful advice on how to manage anxiety and depression, with his quick fix for depression ...
Meet Marcel, Grandpa Errol's alter-ego, a waiter from Chez Truth, showcasing an unexpected method for reducing anxiety. In the Bible, in Philippians 4:13, ...
LEARNING TO TRUST!In order to relax, you have to believe that the ground that supports you will continue to support you…no matter how ...
HOW TO GET THE ANSWER TO YOUR BURNING QUESTION? Don't assume you know the right question to ask. Like this cow. She's asking, ...
"In order to get to the Allness, you have to be willing to let go of the somethingness and walk into the nothingness" ...
Come, Mary Come, Joseph. I have a word I would give birth to a word I would make flesh. I would the world ...
A taste of Striderinnertainment. Excerpts from our show, "Sex, Money & God...Not Necessarily In That Order." with Errol & Rochelle Strider A live ...
Are these values important to you? Courage, happiness, gratitude, wisdom, truth, honesty, forgiveness, love? If they are, please join "Elfbert, Santa's Reluctant Helper" ...
Filmed in Boulder, CO in 1992 this video features Errol Strider in this comical take on being "somebody's inner child" (Some human experiences ...
Sea Gull on Rocks
Spiritual living: Resists nothing, honors everything and engages the potential for creation in whatever shows up in your life ...
Since the two impediments to peace and love are fear and ignorance, we can safely say that, "It's the Fear, Stupid." What we ...
THE ANTIDOTE TO GREED AND GLUTTONYThe never ending impulse to "More"…Getting…drives us and is driving us bloated and insane. General belief: "If this ...
Rochelle looking sympathetic
Click HERE to listen to audio Friends, When you find yourself getting frustrated, when you get pissed off because you can’t get no ...
Both love and money offer a promise: Money offers the promise of value that can be measured. Love offers the promise of that ...
"He who selfishly loves his life stands in danger of losing it; but he who is willing to lay down his life for ...
Lock on door with caption, "What are you in for?
THE HOUR OF HUMILIATION By Errol Strider The ego, standing up and preening strutting around the stage... in the mind, waiting for laughs ...
What is "real" and how would you know? Is something real if it has weight? Mass? What about an experience…Is that real? What ...
How the Laughing Heart provides the tools, methods and context for advancing the six memes in the first tier toward the second Integral ...
How The Laughing Heart Provides the Tools, Methods and Context for Advancing the Six Memes in the First Tier toward the Second Integral ...
"Let's Face It!
THE LOSING OF THINGS Part 2 Since I last shared with you, I have discovered more possibilities involved in looking for things. For ...
WATCH OUT FOR THE MEDIA! IT' NOT ALL THAT IT CRACKS YOU UP TO BE          One of the things we most appreciate about ...
While we are madly scrambling about to avoid as much pain and gain as much pleasure as we can, consider the benefits of ...
AWAKEN Will Power Conditioner Brought to you by The Laughing Heart by Errol Strider Is your life drab? Has your will power lost ...
Outdoor stairs blue
A look at how hope can be recovered when lost. The Path from Hopelessness to Hope by Errol Strider Along one side of ...
Mask sculpture
Press Play button above to Listen THE SOUND OF ME by Errol Strider What if I were to catch the sound of Me? ...
Errol and Rochelle Strider walking away in mountains
Tomorrow Rochelle will have reached a whopping 77 years old, but she's asked for another whopping second helping. We continue to do our ...
Okay, here we are: Christmas, 2010, shopping, preparing dinners, traveling, feeling stressed, joyful, alone, lost--God knows what? So my question is always, "What's ...
Rochelle and Errol and on ground stretching toward toes.
So let's get down.  What are the benefits of "Laughing Your Age Off?" Through our unique not-patented process called "Quirky"--otherwise known as creative ...
Errol on knees looking for something under sink
THE VALUE OF LOSING THINGS I’m assuming you lose things…and it pisses you off.  You get scared. Maybe you feel guilty……or stupid.  Maybe ...
Beauty of Nature as a Spiritual Phenomenon
In the Bible, it states "Wherever two or more are gathered in my NAME, there am I in their midst"... There am I! ...
There is a flow beach pic
THERE IS A FLOW by Errol Strider The audio version of "There is a Flow" is a richly textured sound experience, with music ...
Click There Was a Man Once Audio to listen to There Was a Man Once Audio THERE WAS A MAN ONCE By Errol Strider ...
Rochelle as Madame Chalnella arms open with colindar on her head with two wires sticking out
There's No Time Like the Present! Dear Friends and (I hope) fellow sojourners seeking helpful perspectives while traversing this rough and mumble lifetime, ...
In a delightful metaphor on transforming anxiety, Grandpa Errol's character, Professor Umbrage, illustrates the transformative nature of changing one's mindset. He likens it ...
Seagul on rock
The promise of the universe, according to The Urantia Book is "uncertainty with security." Indeed, for many of us, security and safety are ...
Inspired by Thomas Paine's pamphlet, "Common Sense," and challenged by my place in this community called the United States of America, I have ...
Discover profound insights into the life and significance of Jesus through Errol Strider's poetic narrative for unveiling Jesus' relevance. Delve into the depths ...
In a soul-stirring exploration on unveiling essence in the life and teachings of Y'shua, Errol Strider delves into the essence of Jesus, reflecting ...
“IGNITE YOUR STAR POWER” Dear friends and fans of The Laughing Heart and Strider Innertainment, We are offering a four week workshop at ...
With the election coming up in a couple of weeks, we are reminded that it's decision time here in America.  But, do we ...
Welcome aboard, Partner. This universe is filled with a vast array of particulates...all vying for importance in our perception...generally prodded along by pain, ...
Errol & Rochelle looking at viewer asking "What about You?"
Click Play button above to Listen WHAT ABOUT YOU? Will you participate with me in the quest beyond the known? Will you walk by ...
"What About You?" written and narrated by Errol Strider is a poetic invitation to join the author on the universal quest for awareness ...
Stairs with plants outside
Life is evolution's way of continually redefining “Better” and finding better ways to achieve it ...
Leave Blessing Mail box short .jpg
When we say or hear someone say, "God Bless You," what do we think we're doing? What will happen?  Or who is this ...
Girls on swing with caption: "When you make God your significant "Other," every other person you meet becomes significant."
When you make the person of God your significant "Other," every other person you meet becomes significant ...
Press the play button below to listen to Errol reading "Becoming a Mensch" BECOMING A MENSCH By Errol Strider   Stand up full ...
Ducks & Pigeons by water Maarin Civic Center
Wisdom is what you gain from the past that you apply to the present to make a better future ...
What is the story you're telling yourself that controls your life? The story that you're starring in, that begins with the premise: "I'm ...
“What’s Real and How Would you Know?” So, what’s an Infinity to do? Where is it going to spill if it wants to ...
WHAT'S AN INFINITY TO DO? The Nature of the Human Stock Exchange (continuation of last Blog... "What's Real and How Would you Know?) ...
What's an Infinity to do? The Nature of the Human Stock Exchange(continuation of last Blog... "What's Real and How Would you Know?) Everything ...
The question on Facebook in the window on your wall is, "What's on your mind?" If I were designing what I would call, ...
What is "real" and how would you know? Is something real if it has weight? Mass? What about an experience…Is that real? What ...
Resistance is what you add to pain to make it last longer and hurt more ...
AND HOW DO YOU FIX IT?I asked myself the question…is there a specific, even single impetus for the mass amount of dysfunctionality experienced ...
Rochelle upset with 2 fists clutched
One Woman’s View of the Elephant WHEN THINGS GO AWRY by Some of the things that went awry, when things go awry:  ...
Bubbles from champagne with saying, "The Infinite is bottled up inside you eager to come uncorked." i
If the kingdom of heaven is within, how do we arrive there? That is the subject of this week's radio program of "Insightout...The ...
Who is the Enemy?(From Servant Leadership by Robert Greenleaf (c) 1970-1991(I may not have written it, but I certainly have pondered it)...Love to ...
Mad Channella and Bruno laughing
HOW TO LAUGH YOUR AGE OFF AND WHY IT'S SO IMPORTANT! Rochelle and I are on a mission to laugh our age off ...
Little boy about to stop in puddle of fountain
In his book "The New Earth" Eckhart Tolle suggests that we usually have 3 responses to the NOW. It's either a means to ...
Hello Dear Fellow Spiritual Sojourners…hope your trip is going well. Long time no blog… Ran into circumstances that forced me to practice what ...

Wisdom is what you gain from the past that you apply to the present to make a better future

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