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Welcome aboard, Partner.

Welcome aboard, Partner. This universe is filled with a vast array of particulates…all vying for importance in our perception…generally prodded along by pain, pleasure or curiosity. If you’re experiencing any of these or would like to…along with a “Sense of Human” then please join me on this ride, while we consider things like…what is meaning and how much is it? Can you get it on sale? Can you get wisdom without living it? Who’s in charge? How much does he charge? What do I do to shift from a limited dualistic perspective to an eternal vision. Where do I get on? Etc…so let me start you off with a couple of poems I’ve written so that we can begin to get acquainted…
“We’re all gathered in a wash…
like bubbles…
and then…cleansed by each other…
helping to explode our shells…
each leaving a vacuum…
waiting to be filled
by god!

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