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Make It Safe

What does it take to make it safe for a relationship to be safe-enough, so that we can open up and be intimate and trusting of one another? Stay with me. Don’t go away or pull back when I share my truth. Give me space… honor my boundaries, physically and emotionally. Confidentiality–I need to know … Continued

Sex, Money & God…Not Necessarily in that Order-Edit

A taste of Striderinnertainment. Excerpts from our show, “Sex, Money & God…Not Necessarily In That Order.” with Errol & Rochelle Strider A live show filmed in Fairfax CA around 2009 with a much younger Errol & Rochelle A video of the whole production is available on request. “SMG…Order” includes the following scenes: “CHEZ TRUTH” if … Continued

What About You?

Will you participate with me in the quest beyond the known….and abandon yourself to the sterling unseen and the bountiful mystery of light?

Somebody’s Inner Child

Filmed in Boulder, CO in 1992 this video features Errol Strider in this comical take on being “somebody’s inner child” (Some human experiences just don’t age–although the performer certainly has.) In 1992, against the backdrop of Boulder, Colorado, Errol Strider graced the screen in a comically timeless portrayal of being “somebody’s inner child.” Despite the … Continued

“Jesus Modeled for Our Class Today”

This piece is my poetic exploration of Jesus–how the world often regards him, what he reveals and how he sees us-with an ironic twist at the end.. I hope you are moved by the video as much as I am (literally) moved by Jesus life–truly a model for our best self. You might consider viewing … Continued

Unveiling Jesus’ Relevance: A Poetic Exploration by Errol Strider

Discover profound insights into the life and significance of Jesus through Errol Strider’s poetic narrative for unveiling Jesus’ relevance. Delve into the depths of how Jesus’ journey resonates with each individual. Picture yourself in an artistic setting, with Jesus of Nazareth (Jeshua) as your muse in a painting class. In Exodus 31:3, the Bible (NASB) … Continued

Navigating the Divine Workplace: Comparing God to an Employer

In navigating the divine workplace, the comparison of an employer to God becomes intrinsic; In the exploration of spirituality, parallels often arise between the divine and earthly experiences. One such comparison delves into the notion of God as an employer, a concept brilliantly explored by writer and actor, Errol Strider. His unique perspective offers … Continued

Transforming Anxiety: The Power of Shifting Mindsets

In a delightful metaphor on transforming anxiety, Grandpa Errol’s character, Professor Umbrage, illustrates the transformative nature of changing one’s mindset. He likens it to the ceremonial changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. In the Bible, in Philippians 4:8 (NIV), we’re told “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, … Continued