I’m offering an online Zoom ongoing gathering for people who are willing to find the humor in their depression, anxiety or general funkiness.
I’ve just gotten off medications that I’ve been taking for a long time–shortly after WW2–what can I say? I was a precious fetus.
No Costs–let’s have some laughs together. Let me know if you or “yours” would like to attand and I’ll send you an invite.
To the point, in my spite of all my spiritual efforts I still continue to be plagued by symptoms that are normally associated with depression.
But I seem to be able, no matter how bad I may feel, to find the humor in it and am able to provide my spouse and even me, a good laugh.
But mind you, she’s in another league–she can laugh at everything about me…well…not so much me being messy. But heh!
We’re still in process.
Come on, admit it: Don’t you deserve a good laugh?
BTW. I’m just finishing up the first draft of my memoirs from conception to the beginning of the first trimester.