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Seduction written & narrated by Errol Strider

Come, Mary Come, Joseph. I have a word I would give birth to a word I would make flesh. I would the world know me in the simple attire of itself its human hood. Come, Mary and Joseph. Be not afraid to conceive me .•. of me … for me to nourish together a child … Continued

A kiss is just a kiss or is it?

Four lips kissing

Often I stop to remind myself that at any moment there are billions of things going on with people all over the planet. It’s helpful to step back and get some perspective. It helps us feel more connected with others, to remind us that we’re not in this alone. And, to remove our attention from … Continued

If it weren’t for humor…..

Errol Strider

If it weren’t for humor, we’ be in some serious shit here at The Laughing Heart. You know, if it weren’t for humor… As Rochelle Strider says, “When you can laugh at yourself, you’ll have fun all day long.” On that note, feel free to throw us a donation for a cup o’ coffee so … Continued

When Things Go Awry

Rochelle upset with 2 fists clutched

One Woman’s View of the Elephant WHEN THINGS GO AWRY by Some of the things that went awry, when things go awry:  The electricity was turned off at the worst possible time. I worried that I would lose a few hundred dollars in frozen food.  I was scammed for $54,000..  My boyfriend broke up … Continued

Bliss–Swimming Naked in a Body of Water

Rochelle Coy look

Bliss, Swimming Naked in a Body of Water: One Woman’s View of the Elephant The first memory I have of bliss–swimming naked in a body of water–was around the age of 6,7.  I was just the right size to fully stretch out underwater while taking a bath. It was blissful!  I was completely immersed in … Continued


Rochelle looking out

One Woman’s View of the Elephant Beauty Beauty surrounds me demanding my attention. My physical body comes to a halt and I feel my heart expand my vision. There is a stillness within me as I absorb the blueness of the sky acting as a back drop to the branches of tall trees in silhouette, … Continued

What is Wisdom?

Ducks & Pigeons by water Maarin Civic Center

Wisdom is what you gain from the past that you apply to the present to make a better future

What About You?

Errol & Rochelle looking at viewer asking "What about You?"

Click Play button above to Listen   WHAT ABOUT YOU? Will you participate with me in the quest beyond the known? Will you walk by my side as I ascend the mountain of trust? Will you accompany me through a vision beyond sight? Will you bear with me as I transcend the limits of self? Will … Continued

Always Available Now

three littke kids eating ice cream cones with blissful look on their faced looking up eyes closed

Just as the ordinary becomes extraordinary when captured by the artist’s eye, so, too, each moment becomes extraordinary when we enter into the stillness of the Now.