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New Year–New You

As we approach the dawn of 2011 for a new year new you, “The Laughing Heart” is gearing up to introduce some exciting new programs that promise to be both innovative and transformative. Among these offerings is a unique opportunity to learn how to embody and live the high spiritual principles that you believe in. … Continued

Fwd: the meeting agenda attached

———- Forwarded message ———-From: Errol Strider Date: Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 9:36 AM Subject: Fwd: the meeting agenda attachedTo: This event is not what Lawrence led me to expect…but still may be worthwhile…hmmmm???? E ———- Forwarded message ———-From: Lawrence Wollersheim Date: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 7:10 PMSubject: the meeting agenda attachedTo: Errol … Continued

Integral Performance Training

Many people have been drawn to the Power of Now. Others are leading the evolutionary thinking with Integral Perspectives.  Many who have been impacted by A Course in Miracles, Conversations with God, The Urantia Book, et al. Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi, etc.  All of  us face one common next step, one commanding challenge–and that is —to … Continued

Jobs for everyone! God is hiring!

Friend, Are you looking for a good job?  Really, a good job– a way to work that produces a lot of good? And of course, one that takes care of your needs…the basics…warm place to live, clothes, enough to eat, great friendships and colleagues, tons of need and want going on in the world aching … Continued

Wake Up! It’s Decision Time in America

With the election coming up in a couple of weeks, we are reminded that it’s decision time here in America.  But, do we really understand what the choice is?  Some would say that the choice is between who and what to vote for.   Maybe…to some extent, but consider…………. I rather think the choice really is … Continued


“IGNITE YOUR STAR POWER” Dear friends and fans of The Laughing Heart and Strider Innertainment, We are offering a four week workshop at the Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living every Thursday from 7pm to 9pm starting on October 28, 2010 and finishing on November 18, 2010.  Get ready to “Ignite your Star Power”   You’ll feel … Continued

When you can think about anything you want, any time you want, what do you choose to think about? Not a common luxury, eh? Well, if you had the time……. Like sometimes I just like to think about infinity? I even call sometimes. See how it’s doing… especially, all the little infinities…What courses they’re signed … Continued

What’s on Your Heart?

The question on Facebook in the window on your wall is, “What’s on your mind?” If I were designing what I would call, “Let’s Face It Book”, the question would more likely be, “What’s on your Heart? Or “in your heart?” or even “around,” “under,” “besides”…your heart? But, really, is there anything besides you heart? … Continued