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Jobs for everyone! God is hiring!

Friend, Are you looking for a good job?  Really, a good job– a way to work that produces a lot of good? And of course, one that takes care of your needs…the basics…warm place to live, clothes, enough to eat, great friendships and colleagues, tons of need and want going on in the world aching … Continued

Wake Up! It’s Decision Time in America

With the election coming up in a couple of weeks, we are reminded that it’s decision time here in America.  But, do we really understand what the choice is?  Some would say that the choice is between who and what to vote for.   Maybe…to some extent, but consider…………. I rather think the choice really is … Continued


“IGNITE YOUR STAR POWER” Dear friends and fans of The Laughing Heart and Strider Innertainment, We are offering a four week workshop at the Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living every Thursday from 7pm to 9pm starting on October 28, 2010 and finishing on November 18, 2010.  Get ready to “Ignite your Star Power”   You’ll feel … Continued

When you can think about anything you want, any time you want, what do you choose to think about? Not a common luxury, eh? Well, if you had the time……. Like sometimes I just like to think about infinity? I even call sometimes. See how it’s doing… especially, all the little infinities…What courses they’re signed … Continued

What’s on Your Heart?

The question on Facebook in the window on your wall is, “What’s on your mind?” If I were designing what I would call, “Let’s Face It Book”, the question would more likely be, “What’s on your Heart? Or “in your heart?” or even “around,” “under,” “besides”…your heart? But, really, is there anything besides you heart? … Continued


Our Noble Nature

8 X 10 Color photo with text and Matte
See detailed image

"May the light within you
reveal the majestic spirit
in your midst

and may your creations branch out
into ever widening vistas of nobility and grace."

1 8 X 10 Color Photo with dark green
matte….. $14.95

1 8 X 10 Color Photo with gold matte…

1 8 X 10 Color Photo with burnt
orange matte…$14.95

A set of all 12 matted musings (5×7) suitable for framing that
inspire and provoke musing.

A savings of $15.00!

Set – 12 Matted Musings: $45.00


"If all else fails, take it personally."

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"Relax…resistance is what you add to pain
to make last longer and hurt more."

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color


"God is someone to believe in who makes it possible
for us to belief in ourselves."

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"Jesus makes the hand of God small enough to grasp."

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"We become disenchanted and cynical when we seek
only to get.
We find endless possibility when we desire to give."

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"To make the most of life…

Show Up
Pay Attention
Stay in Touch"

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"The keys to successful relationships…

Be willing to be honest
Be willing to express your needs
Be willing to get off your position"

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"The four steps of recovery

Loosen up
Lighten up
Open up
Pucker up"

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"You can love whatever you’re doing when you do
it with someone you love."

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"You don’t have to be perfect to be good."

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"Every conflict is an opportunity to get bigger."

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

"To best serve you, your ego has only two jobs…

to get out of the way
and wave good by."

Matted Musing: $5.00

Select Matte Color

All poems are shipped with an 8×10
inch custom matte suitable for framing. All poems are $7.95.
Order a set of all 3 for only $17.85 and save!

"I Don’t Want To Change You"
By Errol Strider

I don’t want to change you
or make you into something else
my image of what you should be…
only images for myself.
I just want to be willing

to be with you
as you are in the now.
You can probably do without my sense
of what you should be.
For in the perfect way you now exist
I’ll just love you as you are.

I Don’t Want To Change

Matted Poem

Select Color

by Errol Strider

I cannot live out of love
for only in love do I know myself.
When I join with another, my soul drives forward

like the hard earnest thrust of love’s embrace.
When I enter love, I come to know myself…
for in the eyes of my beloved,
whether man, woman, child or God,
I see my soul enhanced.
And as my soul beams back to me, it brings with it another,

and my self is that much bigger
for allowing two inside it.


Matted Poem

Select Color

"Feelings…The Language
of Relationship"

by Errol Strider

I speak fear so you’ll know I need assurance.
I speak fondness so you’ll know you can come near.
I speak anger so you’ll know my frustration.
I speak delight so you’ll know I am here.

I speak grief so you’ll know how deep is my loss.
I speak gratitude so you’ll know I’m fulfilled.

I speak hatred so you’ll know I’m distraught.
I speak exuberance so you’ll know I am thrilled.

I speak despair so you’ll know I’ve lost hope.
I speak tenderness so you’ll know I really care.
I speak frenzy so you’ll know I’m confused.
I speak firmness so you’ll know I’ll be fair.

I speak sadness so you’ll know I am hurt.
I speak gladness so you’ll know I’ve been touched.
I speak bitterness so you’ll know how I’ve suffered.
I speak joy so you’ll know I love you so much.

Feelings…The Language
of Relationship

Matted Poem

Select Color

A Set of All 3 Poems

"I Don’t Want To Change You"
"Feelings…The Language of Relationship"

with a selection of colored mattes.

Set of all 3 Poems
3 Matted Poem

What Is Your Story

What is the story you’re telling yourself that controls your life? The story that you’re starring in, that begins with the premise: “I’m separate from everything else, therefore, each man for himself. What I need is over there…I will try to take it, hold on to it and keep from losing it to others…..therefore, there … Continued

“The End of Story is at Hand”

What is the story we’re telling ourelves that controls our lives? The story that you’re living that begins with the premise: “we’re separate…therefore, there is scarcity and I have to sacrifice to make sure me and mine are taken care of…” especially our bodies…and all they want and need. Who is making up the story…God? … Continued