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What do do when, “So you thought you had it all figured out.” shows up in your face…like, no matter how much you think you want it, what you want is wagging its thumb at you.’

Like when you bump up against your capacity to control your life and make it feel the way you want it to make you feel…

Yeah, I’m talkin’ to you, bozo!”
“The inevitable confrotation,” my brother-in-law Phil used to call it.
And when we asked him to translate it, he smacked us a good one… “Pain buoyo, pain.” And indeed the pain that he precipated reverberated in my head. “Oh That.”
“Yes, that.”

As the Buddha pointed out so well to us, “Yeah, there’s suffering. Yeah, suffering sucks. But wait! There’s an end to suffering Don’t let your suffering suck you.”

Withdraw your attention from the world of thought and perception as long as you possibly can and as often as possible… and while your there abide in total wonder and unknowing…willing to “not know shit.”
In other words, leave everything behind when you step into the NOW…
as a matter of fact, that is
how you step into the Now.

That’s pretty much it.
Except…what Jesus added to the picture…

A terrific way to access and harness the Power to drive you into awareness.

So it’s like Buddha charts the course and Jesus fuels your passion for the mission.
But you get to take the steering wheel and send your pedal toward the metal…and put whomever you’d like in the seat beside you.
Make friends with your unknowing, you’ll find out that it gets more and more fun not to know.

Think on’t

go to littletastetreatsfromjesus.come

Errol P. Strider

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