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Contact info:

Laughing Heart
PO Box 2054
Los Gatos, CA 95031

Phone: 415.847-1860


    Bumping into Not Me   By Errol Strider (pretending to be me) Easing into this moment… as I attempt to wend my way around the obstacles of my life… those judgments I project before me… that cause me to stumble and fall and have to watch the ground in order not to bump into the … Continued

    Observations about our 3 days in Vegas.

    Errol and Rochelle Strider Present Keynote at 8th Las Vegas Conference on Young Adults

    The US Journal Training and Institute for Integral Development will feature Rochelle & Errol Strider as Keynote speakers at the 8th Las Vegas Conference on Young Adults. This professional conference is for Marriage and Family Therapists, Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, School Counselors, Courts and Correction, Staff, Mental Health and Alcohol and Drug Counselors. Thursday, April … Continued


    How do you become the Light of the World? Simple…Fuse. After all, what is light? It is the process of fusion. Two “particles” that are otherwise in resistance to each other (protons,egos, sexes, nationalities, religions, competitors, etc.…) who are forced to break through that natural resistance and converge. Some call it sex. Either way it’s … Continued

    Easter Jesus Poem inspired by The Urantia Book

    “There was a Man once.” By Errol StriderThere was a man once, truly that. Who is known for the cross that he bore? But who laughed in the market And slept on the floor Who designed riverboats in Capernaum, Studied the ways of all men In order to rule in perfection With its trials, upsets, … Continued

    Easter Jesus Poem inspired by The Urantia Book

    THERE WAS A MAN ONCE By Errol Strider     There was a man once, truly that. Who is known for the cross that he bore? But who laughed in the market And slept on the floor Who designed riverboats in Capernaum, Studied the ways of all men In order to rule in perfection With … Continued


    Hello Dear Fellow Spiritual Sojourners…hope your trip is going well. Long time no blog… Ran into circumstances that forced me to practice what I preach (ugh!) I am reminded that spiritual values are actually felt… thought you might appreciate this reminder. “The universe is fondling you in ways you can’t possibly imagine.” We don’t often … Continued

    Laugh your financial worries away

    Are you by any chance worried about money in “this economy?” I thought so. Take a moment to relax and see the lighter side of money. Here is Rochelle portraying “Madame Channella” as she improvs on feedback from the audience and provides both a humorous and mystical perspective on their concerns. Madame takes on the … Continued