Recovery Workshops

Inntertainment is a creative approach to recovery and self esteem. During 40 years of teaching, the Striders have developed a ground breaking approach that is immediate and powerful. Their work accelerates your personal growth. As therapists and actors, they reveal how we hurt and how to heal the hurt. Their hilarious performances awaken feelings — and the accompanying workshops demonstrate the way to wellness and self esteem.
The companion workshop to their acclaimed “Family Baggage,” performance, this dynamic workshop heals your addictive and co dependent tendencies and releases your potential to live as a free, empowered and loving person. The Striders set the stage with a powerful new model for understanding healing, and then show how to use the “Alignment” process, a unique methodology that brings about a first hand experience of personal wholeness.
These original methods allow people to creatively engage in their own healing process. Their techniques of acting, group processes and expressive movement, in a safe and nurturing environment, have proven to be powerful catalysts for self acceptance and recovery.
A life-changing seminar that reveals the nature and power of the co-creative relationship, how it works and how it can be the source of miracles in your life. At the heart of the co-creative relationship is your connection with Spirit — your access to true personal power. In this seminar you will be shown how to tape into that power, and you will be guided through the 4 stages of the co-creative process to dramatically enrich every aspect of your life. This process is a powerful force for building self esteem.