Errol and Rochelle StriderErrol and Rochelle Alicia Strider have developed a new model for entertainment and spiritual education called Innertainment which combines philosophical inquiry, spiritual discovery and psychological growth with comedy and theater. They have devoted the last 28 years to this ministry traveling extensively all across the United States doing performances and conducting workshops and classes.

Errol Strider began his professional theater career over 35 years ago as a director, choreographer, playwright, actor, dancer, mime and humorist. He was the artistic director of three theater companies including: the Montalvo Festival Theater in Saratoga, CA; the Gaslight Playhouse in Miami, FL; and the Intersection Players in San Francisco, CA.

He has performed at the Coconut Grove Playhouse, Goodman Theater in Chicago, Café LaMama in New York and has appeared with such stars as Harv Presnell, Daryl Hickman, Rita Gardner and Lola Fisher.

Errol has written numerous plays including the critically acclaimed “Family Baggage” and the award winning “Adventures to Closetmush”. Errol has written several books including “Journeys to the Source”, “Welcome to Your Universe”, “Answers are Timid”, “Elfbert, Santa’s Reluctant Helper” – an illustrated family book, and “Welcome to Your Universe.” He was nominated for a National Cable Emmy Award and was the winner of the Jefferson University Oral Interpretation Contest.

He has taught acting, dance, creativity and spirituality at the University of Miami, Dominican University, Naropa West University in Oakland, and Mundelein College in Chicago. He is also a practicing Board Certified Hypnotherapist.

He was the creator and presenter of “How To Get Results With People” and “How to Stay Motivated” for CareerTrack Seminars.

Rochelle Alicia Strider has been acting and teaching for almost 40 years. She began her professional acting career in New York City in the early 60’s as part of the theatrical renaissance; starting with La Mama ETC of which she is a founding member and The Open Theater which introduced her to the improvisational skills she employs and teaches to this day. She went on to appear in over 20 productions off-Broadway. She appeared on Broadway as Simone Everade in “Marat Sade…” and also created roles on Public Television and the original NYPD.

In the mid-seventies she began a quest to incorporate her personal journey into her art, and in 1975, met Errol Strider to form a partnership in marriage and in what they now call, Innertainment and the parenting of two sons. She has taught acting classes for young and mature professionals in New York City, Boulder Colorado, Israel, Europe and San Francisco. She continues to teach acting skills to people who wish to grow spiritually. She is currently writing a text on “Acting With Love” -the A.W.L. process.

As she grows and deepens her understanding of what makes us tick she shares these insights with her audiences and students in the most Inner’taining way possible.

Some of their programs and productions have included:

What Errol and Rochelle Strider DoWe use comedy, theater, poetry, dance, mime and music to illuminate the human condition from the most mundane to the most sublime.

Strider Innertainment provides a three dimensional look (mind, body and spirit) at the underlying spiritual, philosophical and psychological motivations of human beings.

Our characters and stories allow people to see, feel as well as hear concepts and insights as they relate to personal and spiritual growth and social evolution.

In workshops and classes we focus the light on the “shadow” parts of our lives and facilitate healing and transformation in a safe setting filled with humor and love.

We offer classes, workshops, seminars and performances. We also publish a wide range of products and other resource materials, including audio and video tapes, books, matted poems and sayings all of which celebrate the panoply of the human experience.

We are also available for personal coaching and private transformational work.

We have programs for ages 7 and up.

We have many hours of scripted material available for other groups to perform.

We draw from our personal and interpersonal experience with each other from which we find an endless supply of drama and comedy to further our growth and our repertoire. We are dedicated to living what we teach and in those moments when we stumble, the humor is there to break our fall and our faith is what lifts us back into Awareness.

Our past full length theater productions we have created include:

Innertainment performance vignettes are divided into 4 categories. Many of the pieces are funny while some are more dramatic or poetic. Some are verbal, others involve mime or dance and others combine both styles. (All times are approximate and do not include the audience interaction component which can extend any given piece up to a 30 or 45 minutes)

* Relationship with Self
* Relationship with Spirit
* Relationship with Others
* Relationship with The World

Family Play Programs – “A family that plays together stays together.”

We also offer “Family Play Programs” to facilitate family fitness, and by family we mean any group of people who live, work or play together. These are interactive games and performance pieces that promote family unity, understanding, and respect. Through the games groups learn better ways to communicate and how to get their needs met. They learn acceptance, forgiveness and how not to take themselves too seriously. These play programs help to deepen the level of love within the group and provide an experience of feeling like they are a part of the larger community. The programs are very fun and unique in that the whole family can play together. Recommend for ages 7 and up.

In addition we have a new workshop: “How to Bring More Love & Laughter into Your Relationships” – a Creative Spiritual Approach.


Besides the scripted performance pieces and exercises, we do improvisations and play characters that enable people to see their issues acted out. These spontaneous interactions help people gain insight and solutions to problems or questions they may be having. Members of the audience can present issues they are working through and see them resolved through our improvisation.

In addition there are other games and exercises that involve participants at a deeper level. We have a program where we provide participants the opportunity to perform their own story and share their creation with family and friends—a very empowering experience.

Relationship with Self

Overcoming negative self images and gaining self-esteem—

“I am Beautiful” 10 min.

Letting go of the need for approval

“The Great Mandini” 8 min.

Releasing the tapes and scripts we carry in our minds that limit us—

“Little Shop Between Heaven and Earth” 8 min.

How men can develop their full potential—

“Becoming a Mensch” 8 min.

Understanding and releasing our fears of being rejected–

“Rejection” 5 min.

Overcoming the source of our addictive and compulsive nature—

“Denial of Shame” 8 min.

The absurdity of being a “control freak” and how to be more trusting and spontaneous–

“The Thrill of Control” 8 min.

Understanding the cycle of birth to death and how to make the journey successful–

“Remember When?” 10 min.

How to let go of past/future orientation and live in the now—

“Pasta” 6 min.

How to discover the hidden gifts in our everyday experience–

“Opening the Presence” 10 min.

Releasing all the ways we imprison ourselves and how to set ourselves free–

“Body Free” 3 min.

How to release ourselves from our addiction to a false sense of self–

“Powerless Over My Addiction” 9 min. (Based on Step 1 from the 12 steps)

How to overcome the biggest obstacle to faith—

“Doubt” 5 min.

Letting go of self-consciousness and our concerns of what others think of us—

“They” 10 min.

Understanding the root of cynicism, loss of hope and despair—

“The Moral Apathizer” 6 min.

Relationship with Spirit

Seeing ourselves through the loving eyes of our angels–

“The Innocents” 10 min.

A radically different understanding of Jesus as a reflection of our true nature—

“Jesus Modeled for Our Class Today” 8 min.

An examination of the various aspects of truth and how the “the truth can set us free”

“Chez Truth” 10 min.

Shows how the Spirit enters our lives, how we often resist it and what we need to do to “let go and let God”

“The Traveler” 12 min.

What it might be like to meet God “face to face.”

“The Employer” 10 min.

Where and how “answers” are discovered

“Answers are Timid” 12 min.

The surprisingly simple and miraculous ways Spirit appears in our lives—

“In Their Midst” 8 min.

A broader and more penetrating understanding of the many aspects to Jesus—

“There Was a Man Once” 6 min.

The stages we go through that allow us to receive Grace and healing

“Today, I Am A Child” 11 min.

The key to developing trust and appreciating the power of faith

“To Trust” 8 min.

Experiencing God through our senses and knowing God as our true lover

“Divine Lover” 6 min.

How to let go and give ourselves over to the “movement” of Spiritual love–

“There is a Flow” 12 min.

Ways to join one another on the Eternal Journey—

“What About You? 5 min.

A Letter from “Home” assuring us how much we are valued and needed

“Letter from Home”

Relationship with Others

The nature of oneness–

“You and Me” 8 min.

Truly connecting with another…or…as Martin Buber puts it, “All real living is meeting.”

“The Meeting” 12 min

Explores the strategies we use to keep from being hurt and their harmful side effects—

“Hurt” 10 min.

Understanding and expressing the true intent behind human feelings—

“Feelings, the Language of Relationships” 5 min.

Shows the dynamics of co-dependency and how to release those compulsions

“The Church of Co-dependency” 10 min.

How to let go of the destructive expectations we bring into our relationships

“Roles of Our Lives” 12 min.

Understanding the essential dynamics of bonded relationships

“The Atom and the Molecule” 6 min.

Learning to open up to each other and share love deeply—

“Will We Pass By” 5 min.

How we hide and hold ourselves back for fear of being seen or hurt

“You Can Come Out Now”

The false ideas parents sometimes have that affect the ways they raise their children

“Perfect Parents Class”

Relationship with The World

Making a case for a positive future for humankind—

“More” 9 min.

Releasing ourselves from being compulsive consumers—

“Having” 7 min.

Understanding our true relationship to money—

“Money Talks” 10 min.

Compassion—how to develop it and express it in our lives

“Compassyun” 5 min.

Recapturing a sense of innocence and wonder

“Wonder” 4 min.

Making peace with all those “messy” things that come from our bodies—

“The Intimates” 10 min.

Re-discovering hope

“Hope” 5 min.

An elf persuades Santa Claus to give children “qualities” for Christmas instead of toys

“Elfbert, Santa’s Reluctant Helper” 20 min.

A story about the “craggy people” who reach a crisis in their society…and what can save them

“The Doegs” 10 min.

The Laughing Heart presents “Insight Out–The Naked Truth”- Hosted by Errol & Rochelle Alicia Strider the show offers unique, lively, humorous and insight perspectives on the human condition through conversations with Errol & Rochelle, sketches, poetry, music, guests, interviews and call in.

Each week’s program featured a “phrase of the week. Click any of these examples below to find out more about each week’s program:

“You Made That Up”


“Goodness Gracious”

“Don’t Forget”

or click on this link to get to “Radio Archives” of past broadcasts.
Pick a subject and click to listen…

Errol's Be-Musings Archives - Page 7 of 12 - The Laughing Heart Skip to main content

Rochelle and Errol thumbs upWe have over 100 videos of live performances–inspirational, funny, outrageous and provocative. The videos go all the way back to the 1970’s and follow us over the years.  Each video,while being entertaining on the surface has, if you look again, deeper messages about the human condition and our connection with the “Ever Present Origin.”


Enjoy and Ponder!


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Radical Spirituality

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Faces of Rochelle

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Family Baggage

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The Power of Non-Resistance

Facilitated by Rochelle Alicia Strider

An enjoyable and provocative class designed to create more fulfilling relationships with ourselves, others and the Creative Spirit.

“We are always in relationship”

We will:

  • Use playful tools that actors use to play a character (in this case you are the character) and come into relationship with other characters.
  • Experience ways to release judgments from our relationships, especially with ourselves
  • Experience how to laugh at ourselves and others so we can release our creativity.
  • Experience the four principles of a successful relationship.

Enlighten Up!

A seminar in miraculous living. An entertaining way to enlighten the mind, nourish the soul, heal the heart…& laugh your blocks off!

Donation $20

Using humor, performance art, discussion and exercises, the Striders lead participants through a thought provoking, joyous and transformational experience. They start by suing theatre and comedy to interpret principles from A Course in Miracles, The Power of Now and other great spiritual teachings — making the learning process highly entertaining.

The healing theater of Errol and Rochelle Strider:

Family Baggage

A highly acclaimed theatrical production that is at once therapeutic, uproariously funny and deeply moving, Family Baggage deals with addictive behaviors, relationship and our less than perfect family systems in a very entertaining and provocative way. (More like Saturday Night Live than a therapy session!)

Through their performance, the Striders provide a radically different approach to healing and recovery. The effective use of humor and drama, mime and story enables the audience to understand as well as feel the way to greater freedom and acceptance. Approximately 2 hours.


If you really knew, you’d be laughing

…the performance that takes you beyond Family Baggage.

As Family Baggage dramatizes addiction, co-dependency, abuse and dysfunctional families, “If you really knew, you’d be laughing,” gives insight and direction to build self esteem. In the same hilarious format, this who deals with how we find inspiration, strength and understanding to become more healthy and functional human beings. In comedic, dramatic and improvisational vignettes, characters come to recognize their connection with their inner source of power and discover the paths they must travel to live free, joyful lives.

“If you really knew, you’d be laughing,” portrays viable optiona to people genuinely seeking wholeness. Running: Approximately 1 /12 to 2 hours.

Strider Innertainment, developed by Errol & Rochelle Strider combines metaphysics with education in a highly entertaining approach to personal and social healing and transformation.

The Striders draw on a variety of perspectives from various traditions and personal and social revelations. as well as their own life long experiences to make spiritual and psychological principles accessible, relevant, funny and poignant.

We use theater, dance, mime and the spoken word to convey the depth and breadth of the human condition, from the absurd to the sublime. People are able open their hearts, laugh at themselves and recognize their spiritual potential.

Our programs also feature interactive, inter generational games and exercises creating a dynamic opportunity to build community and bring families together in very meaningful and fun ways.

In addition, the Striders share themselves personally with their audiences. They reveal both the challenges they’ve faced and the insights they’ve discovered over the past 40 years as marriage and business partners, creative collaborators, spiritual teachers and parents.

This is a time of great transition. The many social and environmental conflicts and breakdowns urgently call for transformation. The Laughing Heart is dedicated to assisting humanity–to support those who recognize the need for change!

Errol in Funny hat and Rochelle of the laughing heart saying, "It just goes to show you"

Check out Errol and Rochelle’s “Naked” Insights at “Rochelle A-Musings” and “Errol’s Be-Musings,” which are above in the header.

Listen to Errol and Rochelle’s podcast “Insight Out–the Naked Truth.” Over 200 programs are available. Just click on Podcasts in our Menu at the top of page. Then, pick which one you’d like to listen to. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

“Highly skilled, sensitive performers… a real gift for translating abstract metaphysical concepts into charming metaphors…”

— Chicago Tribune


“Your presentations were without equal, not only extraordinary, but so stirring… What a wondrous power you possess!

— Michael Moore, former Mississippi Attorney General


“Straight on stuff…from the broadly comic to the extremely intimate with just about everything else in between.”

— Hollywood Reporter


Laughing Heart

About The Laughing Heart

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to congruent development of each individual and the collective whole. The Laughing Heart combines inspirational entertainment and education committed to providing transformational tools that will help every one of us look at life from the perspective of a laughing heart.

The Strider Innertainment element of The Laughing Heart is a unique combination of conscious comedy, spiritual education, healing and interactive entertainment.

Drawing on a variety of teachings from various traditions of spirituality, psychology and philosophy, Errol and Rochelle present complex concepts in a way that makes them more accessible and relevant to our daily lives. They use loving- and light-hearted modalities that are both adaptive and provocative.


To create, produce, and deliver uniquely affective communication models. To promote conscious entertainment packages and educational programs that utilize transformational tools. To propagate creative expression and self-reflection for nourishing hearts, minds and bodies. To enhance personal growth and inspire collective well-being.



The Laughing Heart/Strider Innertainment offers exclusive evening and matinee performances, as well as segments of a public or private event or professional conference. These are meaningful and entertaining sketches. These are produced for local performance venues as well as for national and international touring. Performances are often filmed for distribution in all media formats including DVD, VHS and Internet.


Release new and existing productions of performances, conference segments, and interactive workshops in a variety of media formats (for example, this youtube video). This includes audio and video recordings, radio and television broadcasts, books, framed photographs with poetry and sayings, greeting cards, video games and all other media that can be utilized by the Laughing Heart.


To provide, through workshops, seminars and classes, the tools and training to aid people in their efforts to affect personal and social transformation. These include:

  • Professionals, businesses and professional organizations who work with people in supportive ways (counselors, teachers, therapists, social workers, ministers, mental health workers, etc.)
  • People who are actively engaged in self-discovery and self-help (personal, spiritual and psychological growth)
  • Innertainers (Entertainers who want to be “transformative performers.”


Provide live and on-line environments of mutual support, where people of all ages and cultures have the opportunity to interact. Develop quality relationships with individuals and help them become more self-actualized human beings through mastering the transformational tools and principles that are the Laughing Heart.

Rochelle’s Thought for the Week

"In order to get to the Allness, you have to be willing to let go of the somethingness and walk into the nothingness" R.A.S. Words are simple; putting them into practice requires diligence, attentiveness and above all else willingness. Our inner and outer guides are more than willing to help us out if we are … Continued